Construction is a great career for the right type of person. If you have any inkling at all that you would be good at it, you owe it to yourself to consider it as a career choice. Here are some reasons why it is a great industry and possibly a perfect career choice for you:
There are many jobs available
Construction unemployment is at an all-time low, with 78% of firms in the U.S. having difficulty filling salaried and hourly craft worker positions. With the current workforce aging and retiring, construction firms are more eager than ever to bring in new faces. Just this year, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that more than 33,000 construction jobs were added, bringing in lots of opportunity to jobseekers.
The salaries are competitive
There are many construction careers available, both with or without college degrees, and the salaries are very competitive. According to the Department of Labor, in 2017 construction wages totaled $436 billion, and pay for all U.S. construction employees averaged $60,700, ten percent higher than the average of all other industries. Because of the shortage, if you are a reliable and competent employee, companies will pay well to keep you.
Every day is new
Every construction project brings new, exciting challenges to keep your mind sharp and your interest piqued. No two days are the same, which will teach you to address unforeseen challenges and apply that knowledge for the rest of your career. For many construction positions, you get to share your time between the office and the field, making it much more interesting than many other jobs. If you like to build things or work with your hands, there are plenty of high-paying positions available, even without being in management.
You get to see your work for years to come
Imagine the satisfaction you will feel in 20 years driving over a bridge and telling your grandchildren, “I built this.” Very few careers allow you to impress your children and boast such a sustainable legacy on the community and the world around you.
The industry continues to boost the economy
Construction is a vital contributor to economic growth, providing employment opportunities in a variety of areas plus spending and financial growth to the relevant supply chain and a multitude of service providers. Construction contributes $781 billion of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), making it a valuable piece of the national economic foundation.
Construction is satisfying and rewarding
From building homes for families to live in, schools for our children to learn in and roads to bring you goods and facilitate travel to see friends and relatives, construction is a huge contributing factor to our modern way of life. Considering that construction brings us our clean water, our electricity, our cell phone towers, our factories, our railroads and our ports, construction will impart in you a sense of accomplishment in helping to build America. There aren’t many professions where you can feel as much pride in your job as in construction.
Construction companies are looking for team players who are dedicated, ready to learn, smart, problem solving and hardworking. You can learn more about construction by clicking here.
About the author
Mike Rydin is the founder and CEO of HCSS, which has been developing software that helps construction companies streamline their operations since 1986.