Based In: Indianapolis, IN
Company Description:
Renascent specializes in the demolition and repurposing of old structures and value creation for communities. With expertise and safety in structural demolition, selective demolition, abatement services, as well as consulting, planning and budgeting support.
Company History:
With roots 30 years deep, Renascent began as a civil contractor focused on site development. As a company, Renascent (we) rapidly grew and transformed into an industry leader in demolition and recycling.
Safety Culture:
Safety is a top priority. It is not a byword at Renascent, it is an action and way of life. Demolition presents dangers, Renascent presents safe solutions. Protecting people and the environments are a top priority.
Company Values:
Renascent is about learning, education, personal growth, and changing people’s lives. Investing time, energy and money into the employees to provide a safe and fun environment to work.
Company Impact:
Renascent = Rebirth and is effectively playing its part in the renewal of urban, campus, rural and public work projects, repurposing land and buildings to meet the technological, cultural and social demands of the 21st Century.
Number of Employees: